
Happy and Healthy Days

Thursday, May 17, 2012



2009, Trixie was born in Saint John, NB. She was sold to a young couple who had her for almost two years. They sold her to an elderly woman who was terrified of her and had locked her in the bathroom. She attacked the woman and her dog. She was told that she had been spayed and vacinated. She then put an ad on Kijiji and was given to Wendy, the sister of Tammy who was a friend of Lynne's, a groomer on the island.  They IMMEDIATELY took her to the vet clinic and had her vaccinated for rabies tag # 4304, Atlantic Veterinary Hospital, Rothesay, 12 Mar 12. Not a good thing!! At that time her name was recorded as Mylie.  She also was given vaccinations for distemper, Cav2 Hepatitis, Parvoviris. She attacked their other Pom and bit a man in the house when he was plugging in his cell phone. She was there only 2 weeks. Then she was in foster care with Shari on Prince Edward Island for 51 days minus the eleven days that she survived in the woods on her own.

Trixie arrived from Atlantic Small Dog rescue cross posting on Saturday, 12 May, 2012. I paid $200 for her. I went right to the Pets Unlimited in New Minas and bought her a red harness for $22 and within less than 24 hours she chewed through the neck piece. It wasn't on tight enough. The girl in the pet store fitted her for it. So I bought her a new one, a smaller one, a cat harness at Can Tire $9 and I bought her a black leash from Can Tire for $20 and she has the leash half chewed through. As soon as you put it on her she grabs it in her mouth and chews it. I am working on trying to train her not to do that but sometimes she still does it.

She was very thin and has started to put on some weight. She can jump on and off the bed and the living room chairs and go up and down the stairs with no difficulty. She unfortunately is a barker, every sound she hears she barks at and every movement she sees. She makes a funny growly sound when the other dogs are around me and she wants to scare them away. She gets very excited very easily. She hoards her toys, cookies, etc and puts them on one of the living room chairs that she likes to sit in. She walks well on her leash and eats very well.
She has been here over a week now and has learned not to be so loud and jumpy. She likes to sleep on the bed at night. She jumps all around the car and ends up on my lap so I have to put her in the crate so I can drive safely to our destination.

23 May, 2012, 3 months to the day that I took Sugar to the vets and she later died the same day. Trixie's first visit to see Dr Bruce, she was aggressive and tried to bite him. She has a kneecap problem and was given Dolpac dewormer, 1 tablet. $8.17.   Later the tapeworm was evident.

Trixie Hoodie 2012
Trixie is shedding her undercoat, along with she has dandruff that really shows on a black dog.I have been giving her peanut butter and the dandruff has gone away.
She isn't one to stay on the deck, like Ceilidh she sits and looks in the house and barks. Sugar loved to sit on the deck and look around.
She has to be taught not to bark at the neighbours.I have been using water mist. Helps a little.
Bath 14 Jun, 2012
Trixie likes to roll on her back along the side of the road or on the lawn.
18 June, 2012, Trixie now plays with Shirley on the deck.
Have to continue to spray in face with water because she barks at every little noise and movement.
Trixie attracts flies likely because of her black colour, but she knows to roll over on her back and try to flatten them into the ground.
She is very fond of chewies. 
I bought her a squeeky toy and the next day she had it broken no squeeky.

Trixie is a very needy dog. She wants to be the center of attention all the time. She barks way too much. I got a antibark collar for her from Can Tire, $68.99  it seemed to be too big so I returned it and got a smaller one but it didn't work too good so I go the same one backand so far it has made life a bit better around our house.  

I had the first harness repaired, $2 and she chewed through that, then I sewed it and put it on her and it has held. The small cat one I bought was choking her. I also bought a more elaborate style of harness from the dollar store but it doesn't fit properly. 
She also chewed the antibark collar the part where it was too long and  I had it doubled over  so I sewed it and now have two twisters holding it on to the collar so she can't get it in her mouth to chew it again. I need to be able to use it on a bigger dog if I want to. 
She also chewed the training collar that I bought for Peaches and it barely fits Peaches. 
I changed her harness, she now has the red one I was using on Peaches.  

Trixie continues to be a terrible barker, when the other dogs bark she barks, she barks to get in the house when she is on the deck, she barks when I get her leash out. She is driving me crazy. The only time she doesn't bark is when she has the collar on. I don't want to keep it on her all the time, I am afraid of the radiation from it might give her throat cancer. 
Merry Christmas from Trixie

She loves to roll in the snow. 

18 Feb 2013, Trixie still continues to bark all the time, when anyone comes in the house, everytime Peaches barks, she growls at the other dogs, every noise she hears, she barks when she is on the deck to come back in. She needs to wear a collar all the time.    She still chews her harness and leash and when I am sitting at the computer she wants to be on my lap the whole time.  I have had to mend her harnish many times. She also chews the plastic off the dog tag that I put there to absorb the sound of the tag when we are walking.
Trixie Anti Bark Collar

25 June, Trixie had her spay surgery. She was there all day and for the next couple of days, very drowsy. She didn't eat for the first 3 days and lost some weight but she went for her walks as usual. She didn't have stitches on the outside, she was glued and didn't  chew at them at all although I did get a plastic colar just incase she did. Returned the colar and was given the credit on a bag of TD cookies for the teeth.

July, bought a cute sun dress for her at Frency's. It is green and white and has a nice ruffle.

Little Red Riding Hood

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